Pokhara Sports Award Hyman and Manju best Player of the Year, received a purse of 25 thousand READ MORE NEWS

10:06 AM

Pokhara, Kaski set 1 June-sports journalist for the first time organized by the Coordination Division and Manju Gurung Gurung Pokhara Sports Award Hyman year 2072 have been declared the best player. The first exhibition was held in Pokhara Sports Award for the year 2072 is provided quorum them. Heyman Bangabandhu Gold Cup and the 12th South Asian Games (greens) to champion football team midfielder han Nepal. Manju 12th sagama bronze winner was the team of Nepali women's volleyball. Both 25 ÷ 25 thousand rupaiyamsahita hand made trophy. Player of the Year award category at the men's Suresh Gurung, archery Asim Sherchan and Heyman were nominated. Usuki women's spring Gurung, bhalivalaki Aruna had been nominated for the Royal and nju. Excellent Nepolean Award Shashi Chaudhary hand herself. He received a 10 thousand athletics and volleyball. Surendra Gurung best coach award were old Karate. Nepali national football team former coach Krishna Thapa was awarded the lifetime achievement award. He won the South Asian Games 1 9 84 Nepali national football team in the svanarpadaka also are forward. The selection committee was nominated in four categories 12. From 2072 Sports Award as best Pokhara marred honoredImage Title

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