Facebook used to bunk class 'dirty' work, police investigations on a complaint READ MORE NEWS

7:02 AM

E Delhi (May 14): A teenager girl, police were questioning in connection with a wrongdoing. Girl allegedly leaving his class with two other girls, like many social network used Laivstryming of sexual acts. The case is the US state of Wisconsin Milwaukee city.

The Independent's report, two women appear in the live stream. Aged 14-15 years. Sexual acts with a 15-year-old boy having them broadcast for school students was Barack Obama.

Milwaukee police search warrant has been issued to Facebook. The girl's photos, status, video and other personal identification information is asked to provide information.

Two girls in the warrant is to be doubted. However, the boy has not been included in the warrant as a suspect. School officials have complained of being questioned. This action reveals occurred when the children saw the video.

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