6:39 AM

There are many legislations which have been chalked out for the protection of the
older workers against discrimination which the employers should thoroughly be aware
of. True characteristics of the older workers need to be recognised, they should be
given support and should be understood properly. The benefits for this extra effort
will usually be forthcoming in the form of increased loyalty and reduced absenteeism
and turnover.

Novelli tries to reduce the age discrimination in the workplace and encourages
employees to adopt human resource policies with multiple options to meet the needs
of older workers and aid them in remaining on the job or returning to the workforce
by offering them more learning opportunities.

He suggests that companies should provide technology and training courses tailored
to older workers skill gaps in order to keep them abreast with new equipment. He
feels that older workers can learn new things, although, the methods that are used
for training younger workers will not be suitable. Their training should be in the form
of setting their own pace to work or take alternative classes. This would help them
to become better trained and highly performing staff. He stresses that public perceptions
of older workers should change and it should be understood that by turning away
the older workers, we are wasting human capital.

Dowd says that we can change the mindset we have about older workers as they
are able to get different kind of knowledge, experience and wisdom something which
is not taught in schools and to ignore this kind of knowledge and wisdom in return
for skilled employees is considered ignorance on the part of the employers. He
further adds that solutions focused on older workers are important. He calls it E3-
employment, education and economic development – which together form a strategy
to use this untapped labour

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